A Goofy Movie, Documentary
Not Just A Goof is a feature-length documentary that unveils the untold story behind the cult-classic Disney film, A Goofy Movie. Premiering as an advance screening at the Doclands Film Festival on May 4th 2024, the film vividly portrays a team of young creatives tackling their first Disney feature project, facing disappointment upon release, and experiencing a surprising resurgence in popularity two decades later. Through interviews with the key figures involved in A Goofy Movie’s creation, as well as rare, previously unreleased archival footage and stunning animation, the film gets inside the studio’s inner workings and provides an unfiltered perspective on behind-the-scenes magic. It’s a must-watch for Disney enthusiasts young and old.
Not Just A Goof has also been at the Walt Disney Family Museum, D23, and Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Producer: Scott Seibold
Director: Christopher Ninness and Eric Kimelton
Composer: Cameron Chambers
Writer: Mason Trueblood